Wednesday 13 April 2011

Education and the learning organisation

Education is central to our philosophy at lloydmasters and we aim, wherever possible, to up-skill our clients when we work with them so that relevant skills and learning from our consultancy work stay within the organisation.

One obvious way of doing this is to get members of our clients’ organisations to work with us; another is for us to create ‘micro worlds’ through workshops.In such workshops we structure the process to help create a genuine dialogue so that people can discuss and challenge each other’s mental models and beliefs in a positive but relentless way – thus creating better mutual understanding and awareness, i.e. learning. This process is shown in the model above: ‘the learning wheel’. Frequent use of this on an individual or team basis helps create a true learning organisation.

A great way for enhancing knowledge is to learn from organisations in different sectors from your own. Reflecting on their modus operandi can often suggest clues in answering your own dilemmas and challenges.

I recently had such an experience – having been asked to speak on teamwork at a conference for special schools. Listening to people’s issues about teamwork, governance, the structure they work under and the budget limitations helped me think about alternatives to the typical teambuilding away-day that so many private sector organisations take for granted. We’ll be trialling such approaches at specific schools soon and hopefully they’ll form part of our offerings to the private sector as well.

Refer to the lloydmasters website for examples of workshops we have run or contact the team at

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